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Melon and Watermelon

The Mannor Farm LLC

Melons and Watermelons are warm-season, tender annuals that require fertile soils high in organic matter, ample moisture and full sun. Harvest watermelons when tendril closest to fruit has died back, ground spot turns yellow and blossom end softens slightly. Ripeness is determined by four methods: when the tendril nearest the fruit is dried and brown; when the ground spot has turned from white to yellow; when the blossom end of fruit becomes soft; and the ubiquitous “thump test”— fruit should sound hollow. Cut fruit cleanly from the vine to avoid stem-end rot. Harvesting melons at perfect maturity can be tricky, each type is a little different. In general, netted fruit slips from the vine when ripe. Direct seed 1-2 weeks following last frost date.
PMR DELICIOUS 51 MELON Reliably early melon, ripening quickly for heavy yields of aromatic fruit. Juicy, perfectly sweet flesh is dark orange with creamy texture and strong flavor. 2-3 lb fruit. 1/32 oz pack. OP
BABY DOLL F1 WATERMELON Productive, early icebox melon with dark green stripes and crisp bright yellow flesh. Harvest promptly as fruit has a tendency to split when ripe in the field. 10-15 lb fruit. 10 seeds per pack, Hybrid
BLACKTAIL MOUNTAIN WATERMELON Our best melon for short, cool seasons with crisp, sweet flesh that rivals hybrids.
Solid dark green rind and crimson flesh. Fruit averages 8" across. Vines reach 10'. Excellent keeping quality and yields. Harvest just before ripe and melons will finish off in storage. Stores up to 2 months 6-10 lb fruit. 1/16 oz pack. OP

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